The Guide to Cleaning up Raccoon Latrine Sites Safely

Raccoon Poop
These wild animals create latrines where they poop, and raccoon feces is generally in the same place every time. Droppings may look different from time to time depending on what they have recently eaten. Common latrines are usually in close proximity to:
- Attics – there may be small piles of poop in the far corners of attic, you may also develop wet spots in your ceiling from the raccoon poop and urine
- Wood piles – generally raccoons poop on top of the wood so it would be noticeable, wear a mask when investigating these areas
- Fence lines
- Near garbage areas – if possible, keep your garbage bins in the garage until pick up day
- Elevated surfaces – upper balconies, outside stairs leading up to a 2nd storey deck, these are all places where you could find raccoon poop
- Behind sheds or other small structures on your property

(647) 490-5317 – Wildlife Control Thornhill,
Health Risks
Raccoon droppings are super hazardous due to possibly containing roundworm eggs that could cause serious illness in humans and other animals. If you have dogs, keep them away from the raccoon latrine area. Those roundworm eggs can infect humans and pets through ingestion or even by inhaling contaminated dust. These larval parasites can affect the central nervous system and other organs so you must be super careful when removing the animal droppings or feces.
Safe Removal Required Protective Gear
- Spray bottle with boiling water, or at the least, very hot water – lightly spray or spritz the raccoon feces to cut down on any dust or debris that might stir up (raccoon roundworm eggs in the feces) Boiling water will instantly kill roundworm eggs if they’re present in the feces. The eggs do not become infectionous until approximately 2 – 4 weeks after the raccoon has pooped so cleaning the raccoon poop quickly is paramount.
- 2 layers of disposable gloves – wear gloves so you do not come into contact with the raccoon scat
- Face mask – wear an N95 face mask to avoid ingestion or even inhalation of possible eggs in the feces
- Shoe coverings – discard when you’re done cleaning up the poop
- Full gear when close by
- Two garbage bags – since raccoons do not like to walk on plastic, putting down a double layer of garbage bags over the latrine site many deter them from returning later to poop there
Professional Process
Wildlife control technicians follow protocol:
1. Contain latrine area – wildlife professionals will spray and remove the raccoon scat/poop
2. Remove pest raccoons if present in your roof, by screening the entry point and installing a one-way exit door
3. Clean all infected surfaces – raccoon droppings bagged up and removed
4. Treat area to kill roundworm eggs – boiling water works wonders
5. Sanitize surrounding surfaces near the raccoon latrine sites
DIY Safety
If handling raccoon poop:
- Wear disposable gloves
- Boiling water or propane torch to kill any raccoon roundworm eggs
- Double bag animal poop
- Clean all other surfaces with a damp sponge, dispose of sponge when done
- Keep pets away from latrines
- Seal entry points with a strong wire mesh or sheet metal, do not use chicken wire
- Remove food sources such as pet food left outside, sweep up any fallen bird seed, secure your garbage cans or organic bins
- Regular property checkups – check behind any wood piles, under decks or near fence lines
- Professional pest control consultation

(647) 490-5317 – Thornhill, ON
When to Call Wildlife Removal Services
Call wildlife control if:
- Multiple latrines with raccoon poop are found
- Active raccoons are present inside your roof or attic
- Not sure about sanitization? Give us a call
- No access to proper gear
Remember: Raccoon poop removal requires extreme caution due to roundworm eggs. Call the wildlife professionals for the removal of these pest raccoons, and the safe and thorough raccoon feces removal and prevention.